Interested in requesting training for your workplace?
Please express your interest below noting our priority areas and capacity.
I am interested in requesting.....
Please Select
Workplace Respect Project Service Overview (1 hr)
Workplace Sexual Harassment and Active Bystander Training (3.5 hrs)
Respect At Work - High School Workshop (50 min to 1.5 hrs)
Preventing Workplace Sexual Harassment and other unlawful behaviours 93.5 hrs)
Contact name
First Name
Last Name
Contact email
Organisation name
My workplace is located in the following WA region
South West
Mid West
Great Southern
Goldfields - Esperance
I am requesting training for
My workplace
School students
A community group my organisation supports
My workplace is
A non profit or community organisation
An organisation with less than 100 employees
None of the above
Approximately how many people will attend this training?
What are the roles of people attending the training?
Please let us know if you have any specific training dates in mind (noting that due to limited availability, we may not be able to accommodate your preferences).
I understand that the Workplace Respect Project has limited capacity, prioritises select oranisations, and if I am offered training it may have to be booked a few months in advance.
I understand.
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